
Why a QEEG?

Because no one wants to be told "I think" you have ADHD

A Quantitative Electro-Encephalogram (QEEG) measures electrical activity in the brain. An electrode cap is placed on your head while sitting upright in a chair. Software converts the electrical data into mathematical models so we can compare your brain function to matched neurotypical norms. This test is offered to our patients, performed in our office and analyzed by our professionals.

In ADHD there are neurologic markers that can be identified in people as young as 3 years old to 70 years of age. This marker provides objective data lending greater accuracy to an ADHD diagnosis 94% of the time. Brain mapping may show evidence of a prior traumatic brain injury (TBI), anxiety, depression, and other cognitive disorders.

QEEG findings are a powerful window into brain function and help us to understand the neurologic basis of symptoms or behaviors, and may guide treatment strategies.